We saw Dr. Colvin yesterday... and received a good report. Austin is doing well. He has a little fluid around his left lung, Dr. Colvin put him back on Lasix, which will help relieve that fluid. It's only a little fluid, and Dr. Colvin isn't concerned. So, we're happy!
Austin continues to do well... he's eating, sleeping, playing, smiling, pooping, and doing all the normal baby things! He even got some new sunglasses yesterday, and looks so cute in his shades! Stay tuned for a picture with the shades... :+)
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so glad that you are doing so well!!!!! That is just wonderful! We have been thinking about you soooo much! We can not wait to see your cute pic with your new cool shades!!!!!
Daric says hello and wants you to know that he too is doing really good.
Lots of Love to you and your family!
The Voss Family
I am so grateful that Austin's doing well! I'm waiting to see the picture of him wearing his new shades!! ~ barb aschenbrenner
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