Monday, June 15, 2009

Heart Catheterization

Hey guys- sorry for the lack of updates today. It has been a long day, but things went very well with Austin's catheterization. Dr. McMann was pleased with what he saw, and was able to check pressures, take measurements, and pictures of Austin's heart in preparation for his upcoming surgery (Stage 3: Fontan). All of the information that was collected today will be sent to Austin's surgeon, Dr. Knott-Craig, for review. We're hoping to know something over the next month or so as to when Austin's surgery will be. And as always, we'll be sure to keep you updated!
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers today! Please join us as we pray for God's guidance and wisdom for Austin's doctors and team as they prepare for the next step in his heart journey! Thank you!!!

we're at UAB... waiting...

We're here at UAB. We arrived this morning at 6 a.m. Austin is scheduled to have his heart cath this morning. Stay tuned for more updates!

Monday, June 8, 2009

one week to heart cath...

Austin's heart cath is scheduled for one week from today. Please join us as we approach this big day and pray God's guidance on Austin's doctors and wellness for Austin going into the cath. Thank you!